Miyee Woon
IIN Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, United Kingdom
Title: Nutritional value and quality of food
Biography: Miyee Woon
Statement of the Problem: The fundamental benefits of nutrition and food are basically to keep us alive and able to complete our everyday tasks. Nowadays, we can see several types of diet: Vegetarian, Paleo, raw food, fishetarian, fruitarian, breatharian, etc. Each individual is unique and will therefore require a specific diet for optimal health. Quality of food: Can we really trust the packaging labels of the food we buy? Are we feeding our children real food? Will the switch to real food and the change of eating habits create significant changes to our body? The importance of primary food and secondary food: We need to explore the variation of the balance between primary and secondary food and how this variation affects quality of life.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: The circle of life theory chart: Relationship, home environment, home cooking, physical activity, health, education, career, finance, creativity, spirituality, joy, social life. Group coaching workshop: sharing of personal experiences and case study bringing the outcomes and examples.
Findings: We are now aware of the vital importance of both primary and secondary food for the wellbeing of the individual.
Conclusion & Significance: A healthy individual can be created by balancing the primary and secondary food.