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Jingmei Dong

Jingmei Dong

Tongji University, China

Title: The dynamic analysis of body composition and BMD based on different physical activity level for graduate students in China


Biography: Jingmei Dong


The purpose of this study was to improve health and manage weight rational for graduate students via dynamic analyzing the correlation between fitness and daily physical activity levels. Full-time Tongji University 1305 graduate students were selected as participants by stratified randomized cluster sampling. The survey shows that the proportion of whose physical activity can reach the WHO recommendation ­–that is 60 min/day moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA)– is 76% of males and 69.4% of females in Tongji graduate students respectively. Their physical activity levels were higher on weekdays than weekend. Females’ body fat was significantly higher than males(P<0.01)meanwhile vigorous physical activity (VVPA) was negatively related to the rate of body fat (r=-0.368, P=0.368), and positively correlated to lean body mass (r=0.331, P=0.013) and BMD (r=0.289, P=0.289). The correlation VPA was negatively related to the body fat rate, and lean body mass, vital capacity and the handgrip, and positively correlated to BMD reminds. It is indicated that the graduates’ physical fitness is developing in an imbalanced status. Most of their behavior is in inactivity and sedentary lifestyle. The fact of high fat rate and low muscle rate of body composition is not reasonable. Especially, the situation of osteopenia and osteoporosis reflecting graduates’ bone health level is not optimistic. All of this analysis verifies that it is necessary to guide graduate students to do vigorous physical activity so that the graduates' physical fitness can be improved.