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Kennedy Adu Twum

Kennedy Adu Twum

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Title: Efficacy of beta-glucans from barley and maintenance of normal blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations: A study case study in Ghana


Biography: Kennedy Adu Twum


A claim on beta-glucans and maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentrations has already been assessed with a favorable outcome. The main objective of this study was to assess the claim of beta-glucans from barley grain products lowering effect on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and cholesterol among Ghanaian population. Total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol are the endpoints measures for this study. Participants with elevated blood LDL-cholesterol concentration (≥3.8 mmol/L) were eligible for the intervention phase. The main study parameters were LDL- cholesterol and total cholesterol. Out of total 343 participants recruited, 20.7% (71/343) were diabetic while 8.75% (30/343) were pre-diabetic. Also, 63.64% (217/343) had high total cholesterol levels, 32.46% (111/343) had high levels of LDL and 27.57% (94/343) had high triglyceride. However, only participants with high LDL (111) were selected for the intervention phase. Many (43.59%) of the study participants were within the age range of 31-60 years. During the baseline survey, 16.16% of the participants were diabetic, during the two weeks follow up, 12.12% were diabetic and 7.46% during the four weeks follow up of daily administration of beta-glucans supplement. Also, the proportion of participants with high TCHOL dropped from 95.96% to 78.79% and slightly increased to 83.58% by follow-ups I and II respectively. The proportion of participants with high LDL dropped from a baseline of value of 95.96% to 60.61% and increased to 79.1% by follow-ups I and II respectively. Also, the proportion of participants with desirable HDL dropped from 95.96% at baseline to 71.72% and 37.31% by follow-ups I and II respectively. The proportion of participants with high TG at baseline was 34.34% and this has declined to 34.34% and increased slightly to 32.84% by follow-ups I and II respectively. Beta-glucans has significantly lowered blood cholesterol concentrations among Ghanaians.